Entelehia of the Light

''Entelehia'' of Light
Step 1: The Idea                                  

Transition to space, time, energy, matter.

According to Aristotle, Light is not something we see, but something through which we can see. It is filled with images, which are somehow transferred to the senses. "Light is something like the color of transparency, when it is at the point of perfection (a term that indicates the transition of matter from inert to active state, with the taking of form and the cause of this transition). "Light does not need time to propagate, since it is a state and not a substance. Color, at the same time - as he explains in his work On the Sense and the Sensible - is characteristic of visible objects, and has the ability to set in motion the transparent medium (light). Black and white are the fundamental properties of color; mixing them on one surface produces color. To the four fundamental elements of the world that Empedocles had proposed - water, fire, earth and air - Aristotle felt the need to add a fifth: quintessence. The quintessence, the light, is constant and unchanging, and somehow connects the other four elements, which are in constant flow and compose things.

In fact, inspired by the constellations that remained unchanged during their eternal journeys in the sky, Aristotle believes that the quintessence is made of the matter of the stars.

Whether it is the miracle of fire or the life-giving or harmful rays of the Sun, or if I dare to say about the light of Empirikos (Filellinon street) that insatiably devours life for love, the light itself always remains the most mysterious element.

It still holds a special place in all the religions of the world, and modern physics has revealed that this connects its present fundamental entities, which are again four: space, time, energy and matter.



George Grammatikakis: The autobiography of Fotos KPHTHS UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONSFounding donation of the Pancretan Union of America 2011

Giannis Chatzinikolaou: The theory of Integration and the Chromatic Stain. https://www.blod.gr/lectures/h-theoria-tis-ensomatosis-kai-o-hromatikos-lekes/ 

Empirikos reads Empiriko:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPtXZdgKOK8

Step 2:Mindmap

Taking as a starting point the thoughts of Aristotle, i experiment in the creation of the work, the form and the interpretation.

Light comes to define space, time… truth!

I create a mindmap by choosing the following words / ideas: Light, shadow, matter, space, transparency, brilliance, reflection, texture, liquid, dry, stigma, border, level, aspects, object repetition, permeability, diffusion.


Step 3:Creating the Artwork

I choose the material for the creation of the project

An everyday cheap item: a plastic bag, with a specific usability. A beam of light is enough in a dark room and so it simply "disappears" but retains the authenticity of its material. It does not mutate, it is shaped, and with the use of abstraction it is led to a new visual view, perhaps even to a "symbolism". The object acquires a timeless dimension, becomes another entity and is left to the viewer to interpret it.

 Ι  use :Lens,Flashlight,plastic bag and a camera.

 Photos, variable dimensions.

 entelehia of the lightentelehia of the light

entelehia of the lightentelehia of the light

entelehia of the lightentelehia of the light


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